AROUND FOUR OR MORE CORNERS OR CORNER PIECES…an online show curated by Jacob Fabricius
Tag: architecture
Birdwatching / Benjamin van de Walle
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smartgeometry 2012: manta – acoustically responsive sculpture
designers guillermo bernal, zackery belanger, eric ameres, and seth edwards have sent designboom their project ‘manta’, an acoustically reactivesuspended sculpture developed as part of smartgeometry 2012 a four-day workshop and symposium in troy, new york, USA.the interdisciplinary project is a dynamic manifestation displaying the incorporation of architecture, fabrication, interactive technologyand research in acoustics into an actualized form. ‘manta’ is formed from a system of CNC machined panels and connectors comprisedof high-density polyethylene while it’s shape results from bending stiffness and triangulation. the hanging piece makes use of its rigging,infrastructure and home in an acoustically inert environment in order to become a truly kinetic sculptural work.
via smartgeometry 2012: manta – acoustically responsive sculpture.
Absence of Mind – The Arcades Project Project or The Rhetoric of Hypertext by Heather Marcelle Crickenberger
… As an alternative, Benjamin provides architecture as an artistic medium through which one might locate a means of modifying the prevailing aesthetic by modifying the human apparatus of perception. However, even architecture falls into the aesthetic of war as long as it is deemed valuable and is appropriated by the economic system, so in The Arcades Project, he turns his attention to a peculiar architectural construction—the Parisian passages—as a means of locating a structural guide for a kind of generative thought that “is totally useless for fascism” “Work of Art” 218. In The Arcades Project, this apparatus is to be identified with what Benjamin refers to as “the structure of awakening” The Arcades Project 389 [K1,3].