It has been a number of years that the so-called ‘documentary turn’ has become a frequent phenomenon in many artists’ films. The talk will be a comparative look into recent documentary practices that diverge from the orthodoxy of documentary as ‘factual’ film’, a notion which contemporary artists have repeatedly challenged of late. These artists working from a documentary point of departure use multiple strategies to reveal known or hidden ‘truths’, sometimes weaving fictional elements into their stories. Many of them demonstrate that ‘truth value’ does not lie in mere representation but may emerge even more forceful through artistic abstraction, translation, filtering and interpretation and that nowadays the borderline between documentary and fiction, or reality and fantasy is often becoming hard to distinguish. The talk aims to illustrate that the notion of the ‘documentary real’ is continuously evolving and cannot now be pinned down to a single definition or delineated through specific boundaries. Indeed it aims to show that some of the most interesting documentary practices are those which I call documentary ‘with a twist’, i.e. films that interweave the political with the poetic, and navigate between different filmic categories to arrive at highly individualistic hybrid documentary forms where the notion of realism is in constant renewal and the idea of ‘fact’ or ‘truth’ may be encoded into ambiguous but no less potent forms.
Tag: reality
The pervert’s guide to cinema van slavoj zizek als zondige kunstkritiek
Wie vandaag de dag iets meer wil weten over film en hiervoor zijn soelaas zoekt in de filmtheoretische analyses, moet al erg hard zijn best doen om niet met het Sloveense fenomeen Slavoj Ziek te worden geconfronteerd. Dit vrolijke enfant terrible van de filosofie, ook wel de ‘Iggy Pop van de filmkritiek’ genoemd, is berucht voor zijn opmerkelijke psychoanalytische duidingen van vooral westerse cultuurproducten.
Wie vertrouwd is met Zizeks kunstfilosofische geschriften zoals Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Lacan…But Were Afraid to Ask Hitchcock of Looking Awry, weet dat hij een erg eigenzinnige en chaotische stijl heeft. Naar eigen zeggen wil hij hier de psychoanalytische denkpistes uitleggen aan de hand van bekende filmscènes. Allerlei Hollywoodfilms doen bijgevolg dienst als plaatje bij het praatje.
via The pervert’s guide to cinema van slavoj zizek als zondige kunstkritiek.