Month: October 2015
‘Pixel, Dot, Ratio..’ : Études, calculations, notations et références pour ‘The Single Pixel ensemble’, Joëlle Tuerlinckx, 2011
Netwerk / centre d’art contemporain aims to make the latest developments in the art world visible and accessible to the widest possible audience.
Magazine silhouettes, Platform Aachen at Ludwig Forum Aachen
Source: Ludwig Forum
Archives of conceptual and neo-avantgarde art practices
Source: Galerie 31 – Daniel Buren INTERVENTION – Digitizing Ideas
Affichages sauvages by Daniel Buren, 1970
History of street art in France is often unfairly overlooked, having in mind the books written about the history of street art in the USA and the UK.
Untitled (Corner Piece) by Robert Morris, 1964
a few golden moments by Tom Burr, 2011
Source: Tom Burr | Bortolami Gallery