Square depression is a project, which was originaly designed in 1977, when Burce Nauman was invited among nine other artists by Kaspar König to do a sculpture for an open space. It was built 30 years later in the campus of the university’s department of natural sciences Munster. Square depression is an inverted pyramid, ‘walk in’ sculpture made of white concrete. The aim was to create a space, where one could experience a feeling of being isolated, helpless and alone.
Square Depression by Bruce Nauman
Panels by Paul Devens
From the press release:..At the invitation of NAiM/Bureau Europa, artist Paul Devens has realized an installation in the upper hall with a total floor area of 800 m2. ‘Panels’ attempts to provide the visitor with an intensified architectonic experience. The installation consists of acoustic panels that follow the contours of the roof vaulting, largely obstructing the view of the shell roof. The panels overlap and slide past one another, so that ever-changing patterns arise. With the assistance of loudspeakers, microphones and a computer, the so-called ‘Larson effect’ feedback is generated and the space is transformed into a instrument, so that the experience of the Arched Hall consistently alters both acoustically and visually…
via Panels on Vimeo.
Granular synthesis
Granular synthesis is a basic sound synthesis method that operates on the microsound time scale. It is often based on the same principles as sampling but often includes analog technology. The samples are not used directly however, they are split in small pieces of around 1 to 50 ms in length, or the synthesized sounds are very short. These small pieces are called grains. Multiple grains may be layered on top of each other all playing at different speed, phase, volume, and pitch.The result is no single tone, but a soundscape, often a cloud, that is subject to manipulation in a way unlike any natural sound and also unlike the sounds produced by most other synthesis techniques. By varying the waveform, envelope, duration, spatial position, and density of the grains many different sounds can be produced.
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John Frusciante – Control
Aposiopesis (pronounced /ˌæpəsaɪ.əˈpiːsɪs/ from Classical Greek, ἀποσιώπησις, “becoming silent”) is a rhetorical device wherein a sentence is deliberately broken off and left unfinished, the ending to be supplied by the imagination, giving an impression of unwillingness or inability to continue. An example would be the threat “Get out, or else—!” This device often portrays its users as overcome with passion (fear, anger, excitement) or modesty. To mark the occurrence of aposiopesis with punctuation an em dash or an ellipsis may be used.
A classical example of aposiopesis in Virgil occurs in Aeneid 2.100. Sinon, the Greek who is posing as a traitor to deceive the Trojans into accepting the Trojan Horse within their city wall, tells about how Ulixes spread false rumors at Sinon’s expense. Indeed, Ulixes does not stop his malicious gossiping until he causes Sinon’s ruin with the help of the seer Calchas. The whole story is a lie that Sinon tells with consummate artistry in order to convince the Trojans that he deserted the Greeks to escape Ulixes’s enmity. To ensure the effect of his elaborate lie, Sinon at one point leaves a crucial statement unfinished (Aen. 2.97-100):
Film – Jim Jarmusch Wanders On in ‘The Limits of Control’ – NYTimes.com
… “What’s a story anyway?” its protagonist muses, “except one of those connect-the-dots drawings that in the end forms a picture of something?” …
via Film – Jim Jarmusch Wanders On in ‘The Limits of Control’ – NYTimes.com.
Stuckism is a radical art movement founded in London in 1999 to advance new figurative painting with ideas as the most vital artistic means of addressing contemporary issues.Stuckism is a rebuttal of the twentieth century development of Modernism, which has resulted in an increasingly fragmented, isolated, material-obsessed and stultifying academia, existing not by virtue of the work but institutional and financial power, flattered by critical acquiescence.Stuckism regards the foundation of Modernism in art as an opportunity for vision, integrity and communication which has never been fulfilled.The Stuckists are, therefore, opposed to the current pretensions of so-called Brit Art, Performance Art, Installation Art, Video Art, Conceptual Art, Minimal Art, Body Art, Digital Art and anything claiming to be art which incorporates dead animals or beds – mainly because they are unremarkable and boring.
Id, ego, and super-ego
Id, ego, and super-ego are the three parts of the psychic apparatus defined in Sigmund Freud’s structural model of the psyche; they are the three theoretical constructs in terms of whose activity and interaction mental life is described. According to this model of the psyche, the id is the set of uncoordinated instinctual trends; the ego is the organised, realistic part; and the super-ego plays the critical and moralising role.[1]
via Id, ego, and super-ego – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Jacques Lacan
In lijn met de structuralistische methode introduceerde Lacan de taal in de psychoanalyse. Hij formuleerde een nieuwe theorie van begeerte: deze is volgens hem nooit volledig in taal uit te drukken en dus ook nooit geheel te bevredigen, waardoor vervreemding ontstaat. Tevens ontstaat een splitsing in de psyche tussen enerzijds het bewuste, talige subject, het moi, dat overeenkomt met Freuds Ich en Saussures signifiant, en anderzijds het onderbewuste subject, het (Franse) je, overeenkomend met Freuds Es en Saussures signifié.
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