“Auf Wiedersehen”, 1996 – Olaf Metzel
Man maakt openbaar kunstwerk in Apeldoorn grijs: ‘Ik vond de kleuren niet mooi’ | Apeldoorn | destentor.nl
Documentary Now Season 3 Episode 4 Waiting for the Artist (With Cate Blanchett)
Vertical Club and Blackouts by Willem Oorebeek
Source: oorebeek_pamphlet.pdf
Its walls, floors, ceiling and windows, 2019 Bozar, Brussel / Richard Venlet
Filip Dujardin
Filip Dujardin
Source: Bruegelland revisited – De Standaard Mobile -
Guggenheim ‘decommissions’ conceptual and Minimalist works over questions of authenticity | The Art Newspaper
In foreground, two fabrications of Robert Morris’s Untitled (Door Stop), 1965. (On left: 2018 artist-supervised, museum-made plywood fabrication; on right: 1965 fiberglass fabrication). On far wall: two fabrications of Dan Flavin’s Untitled (to Henri Matisse) 1964. (On left: historical fabrication received from Panza; right: 1995 fabrication produced in coordination with the Flavin studio) David Heald/© Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, New York -
Solar Breath (2002) Michael Snow
Blind gestures, 2014, Nicolás Lamas
Beeld Getty
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