Author: wtrhs
“So Is This” (1982) by Michael Snow
‘Un Coup de dés jamais n’abolira le hasard’, 1969 by Marcel Broodthaers
Source: Un Coup de dés jamais n’abolira le hasard
Yves Peintures, 1954 by Yves Klein
Ukiyo Camera Systems: “zeige deine Wunden…no film!”
the obscure brilliance of italian minimalism (in nine albums)
Visit the post for more. Source: the obscure brilliance of italian minimalism (in nine albums)
‘Work No. 112: Thirty-nine metronomes beating time, one at every speed, 1995-8’, Martin Creed
Radio Spiegelstok, 2014 by Thomas Ritzen
Delia Derbyshire – Sculptress of Sound