Author: wtrhs

  • MP4Museum – loop video for raspberry pi

    Media Player 4 Museum A minimalistic, Open Source Video Player. Loops all MP4 Files from USB Memory. No nonsense.   Player will boot up within 30 seconds. Video files are sorted A..Z for playback. System is read-only, no need to shut down Will work perfectly 24/7 or on a timer switch by: Julius Schmiedel is…

  • Trompe l’oeil. The Reverse of a Framed Painting, 1670 by Cornelius Norbertus Gijsbrechts


  • programmed machines (Sealed series), 1997 by Maurizio Bolognini

    The project series Sealed Computers by Maurizio Bolognini point us to what might form the most significant line of force in the field of software-based art.For this installation, Bolognini places over a dozen computers in a gallery space, networking them and having them jointly compute simple graphic structures which, however, deliberately do not get displayed:…

  • A small sound in your head, 2016 by Lee Kit

    Source: A small sound in your head – S.M.A.K.

  • Lee Kit

    Contemporary Art Daily. A Daily Journal of International Exhibitions. | Artist: Lee Kit Venue: S.M.A.K., Ghent Exhibition Title: A small sound in your head Date: May 28 – September 4, 2016 Click here to view Source: Lee Kit at S.M.A.K. (Contemporary Art Daily)

  • ALLVISION, 1976 by Steina

    ALLVISION  1976 AN ELECTRO/OPTO/MECHANICAL ENVIRONMENT BY STEINA ALLVISION incorporates and transforms physical space through video. In this installation, Steina transfigures the viewer’s orientation: a constructed physical space is engaged in conversation with the perceptual systems of the human eye and the camera lens. ALLVISION poses questions about the process of transcribing all-encompassing space and the…

  • Bill Viola: Cameras are Soul Keepers

    Interview with Bill Viola who introduces his artistic universe and explains how cameras capture souls and hold onto life. Source: Bill Viola: Cameras are Soul Keepers

  • Do You Have To Be Rich To Be an Artist? -artnet News

    He wrote that he couldn’t help but feel that her Whitney show was emblematic of a moment in which “more and more cultural space is being occupied by extremely wealthy cultural producers.” The observation nettled me. How many of last year’s art highlights, I wondered, were by “extremely wealthy cultural producers”? I went back and scanned through the 2015 museum…

  • Untitled, 1985 by Didier Vermeiren  – M HKA Ensembles

    Source: Untitled – M HKA Ensembles

  • Didier Vermeiren (Brussels 1951) –

    De sokkel, een wezenlijk onderdeel van het klassieke beeld, dient Vermeiren als fundament voor zijn onderzoek. De sokkel neemt een belangrijke plaats in in de geschiedenis van de beeldhouwkunst: het verdwijnen ervan markeert de overgang van de klassieke beeldhouwkunst naar de moderne meestal sokkelloze sculptuur. Deze evolutie werd op het einde van de negentiende eeuw…