Author: wtrhs
Lasciatemi Divertire, 13 décembre 1982 – 15 janvier 1983 by Niele Toroni
Source: Niele Toroni – Le Consortium
‘Light Switch’, 1992 by Ceal Floyer
Ceal FloyerLight Switch1992–9 Source: ‘Light Switch’, Ceal Floyer, 1992-9 | Tate
Light Cube by Paul Destieu
Light Cube Source: Paul Destieu | TRIANGULATION
Lorraine Daston on Algorithms Before Computers
Noriko Ambe, Richard Artschwager, Hanne Darboven, Dan Flavin, Jasper Johns, Diana Kingsley, Joseph Kosuth, Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Morris, Bruce Nauman, Claes Oldenburg, Richard Pettibone, Robert Rauschenberg, Edward Ruscha, Keith Sonnier, Mike and Doug Starn, Frank Stella, Cy Twombly, Andy Warhol, Lawrence Weiner Source: CASTELLI GALLERY – Artists
Algorithms – BBC
Auto Focus, 2002 by Ceal Floyer
Auto Focus, consisting of a carousel slide projector pointed at a wall, endlessly going through its automatic process of focusing its projection. However, there is no carousel to display slides and therefore there is nothing to project except the projector’s own light. The viewer’s automatic response is to focus on the illuminated projection glowing on…
1° 2° 3° 4°, 1997 by Robert Irwin
Source: 1° 2° 3° 4°: Four dimensions, one masterpiece – The San Diego Union-Tribune
‘The Forty Part Motet’, 2015 by Janet Cardiff
‘Without title (Stacked Space)’, 2014 by Danny Foolen
Source: ‘Without title (Stacked Space)’ | Danny Foolen