Author: wtrhs
Het dossier De Frontlinie: Bestaansonzekerheid en gentrificatie in de Creatieve Stad, samengesteld door Roel Griffioen, onderzoekt de relatie tussen nieuwe ontwikkelingen in het cultuurbeleid en de gentrificatiepolitiek die de Nederlandse steden steeds duurder en ontoegankelijker maakt. Wat is de functie van goedkoop gefabriceerde creativiteit in een politiek-economisch systeem dat bestaansonzekerheid creëert en oogst, een stedelijk…
Buren_Function of the Studio.pdf
What is the function of the studio? 1. It is the place where the work originates. 2. It is generally a private place, an ivory tower perhaps. 3. It is a stationary place where portable objects are produced. Source: Buren_Function of the Studio.pdf
Info – A.I.R.
Note 1 The project is named A.I.R, in reference of the signs artists in 60ies in New York had to put on the doors of the abandoned warehouses they had appropriated as studio. These signs would inform firemen a.o. about the fact there was an ‘artist in residence’ in a building that was officially no…
first solo exhibition of Ivana Kobilca at the Realka polytechnic secondary school in Ljubljana, 1889.
Photograph of the installation of the first solo exhibition of Ivana Kobilca at the Realka polytechnic secondary school in Ljubljana, 15.-22. 12. 1889. Source: Wikipedija (National Gallery of Slovenia Photography Archive) Source: Igor Zabel Association for Culture and Theory
Once is Nothing, 2008, Brussels Biennial contribution by BAK Utrecht
Artists: Victor Alimpiev & Marian Zhunin, Paweł Althamer, Art & Language, Josef Dabernig, IRWIN (Dusan Mandic, Miran Mohar, Andrej Savski, Roman Uranjek, Borut Vogelnik), Luisa Lambri, Yuri Leiderman, Andrei Monastyrski, Pavel Mrkus, Roman Opalka, Marko Peljhan, Florian Pumhösl, Simon Starling, Mladen Stilinovic, and Nahum Tevet, with architecture by Josef Dabernig and a new work by…
Brussels Biennial 08, 2008 – vidéo by Pierre Clemens
1st Brussels Biennial for contemporary Art, 2008
1st Brussels Biennial for contemporary Art Source: 1st Brussels Biennial for contemporary Art – Announcements – e-flux
Hollands landschap, 1999 by Ger van Elk
Horizon 11 oil paintings 34 x 281 1/4 inches (86.4 x 714.4 cm) by Hans-Peter Feldmann
Hans-Peter FeldmannHorizon11 oil paintings34 x 281 1/4 inches (86.4 x 714.4 cm)HPF 435 Source: Hans-Peter Feldmann | Artists | 303 Gallery
Installation view, Hamburg, Germany, March 1 – June 2, 2013 by Hans-Peter Feldmann
Installation viewHans-Peter FeldmannDeichtor Hallen Internationale Kunst und Fotografie, Hamburg, Germany, March 1 – June 2, 2013 Source: Hans-Peter Feldmann | Artists | 303 Gallery