Month: September 2013
Ontology is the philosophical study of the nature of being, becoming, existence, or reality, as well as the basic categories of being and their relations. Traditionally listed as a part of the major branch of philosophy known as metaphysics, ontology deals with questions concerning what entities exist or can be said to exist, and how…
Deconstruction French: déconstruction is a literary theory and philosophy of language derived principally from Jacques Derrida’s 1967 work “Of Grammatology”.[1] The premise of deconstruction is that all of Western literature and philosophy implicitly relies on a metaphysics of presence.[2][3] Derrida terms the philosophical commitment to pure presence as a source of self-sufficient meaning logocentrism.[4] Due…
Powerful Homemade Burning Laser Built From Computer Parts – YouTube
… by Hannah Weinberger
Hannah Weinberger @ Freedman & Fitzpatrick / Los Angeles via Art Berlin Contemporary – Kunstbeeld.
‘The End’ by Thomson & Craighead
Thomson & Craighead.
‘Spannende muziek’ by Wouter Huis
Wouter Huis / Spannende muziek.
▶ ja, ja ja —-ne , ne , ne (für die Jugend ) Kubinski/Kippenberger – YouTube
Joseph Beuys – Ja Ja Ja Ne Ne Ne (1968)
Film as Sculpture | Exhibitions | WIELS
Film as Sculpture looks at a new generation of artists and the ‘problem’ that a number of them seem to be insistently grappling with: how to create works that either sit between or somehow address two seemingly contradictory mediums: one of art history’s most classical forms, sculpture, and its apparent opposite, film (or video). via…
Film in Space: Group show selected by Guy Sherwin
Film in Space: an exhibition of film and expanded cinema selected by Guy SherwinCamden Arts Centre via this is tomorrow – Review Highlights 2012-2013: Film in Space: Group show selected by Guy Sherwin.