Month: May 2011

  • art_theory_map.png PNG Image, 1800×878 pixels

    art_theory_map.png PNG Image, 1800×878 pixels.

  • S(t)imulacrum(b)

    The Hyperreal: “From medium to medium, the real is volatilized, becoming an allegory of death. But it is also, in a sense, reinforced through its own destruction. It becomes reality for its own sake, the fetishism of the lost object: no longer the object of representation, but the ecstasy of denial and of its own…

  • Introduction to Mind and Consciousness

    The investigation of mind is closely related to the field of epistemology, the part of philosophy that deals with knowledge and whose principal question is: “What can we know?” Epistemology is not so much preoccupied with the process of accumulating knowledge, but with the validity of knowledge and how we can achieve certainty about it.…

  • ryoji ikeda  |  datamatics

    ryoji ikeda  |  datamatics.

  • Kabokov

    The ten characters are “The man who fled into his painting”, “The man who collects opinions of others”, “The man who flew out of his room into the space”, “The untalented artist”, “The little man”, “The composer”, “The col­lec­tor”, “The man who describes his life through other charac­ters”, “The man who saved Nikolai Viktorovich”, and…

  • Iconclass

    Welcome to the Iconclass website. Iconclass is a classification system designed for art and iconography. It is the most widely accepted scientific tool for the description and retrieval of subjects represented in images (works of art, book illustrations, reproductions, photographs, etc.) and is used by museums and art institutions around the world. The Netherlands Institute…

  • Iconography

    …With the arrival of computing, the Iconclass system, a highly complex way of classifying the content of images, with 28,000 classification types, and 14,000 keywords, was developed in the Netherlands as a standard classification for recording collections, with the idea of assembling huge databases that will allow the retrieval of images featuring particular details, subjects…

  • Exhibition plan

    exhibition plan – Google zoeken.

  • :: Grey Lodge Occult Review :: #16

    T.A.Z.: The Temporary Autonomous Zone Video of the legendary show from 1993. The roster includes; Hakim Bey, Robert Anton Wilson, Nick Herbert, Rob Brezsny and Joseph Matheny. Download and enjoy! [zipped – format: wmv – size: 102mb] The Theater and it’s Double By Antonin Artaud (zipped – pdf/rtf) Robert Anton Wilson: The I in the…

  • Some blogs about Art-Brussels 2011

    Some blogs about Art Brussels and Trajcetor @ trendbeheer @ whatspace 1 @ whatspace 2