Month: January 2011

  • Jetlag and Tinnitus Part 1 samples 02/11/06 – Si Begg – sample archive

    Si Begg – sample archive.

  • The Experience and Perception of Time

    We see colours, hear sounds and feel textures. Some aspects of the world, it seems, are perceived through a particular sense. Others, like shape, are perceived through more than one sense. But what sense or senses do we use when perceiving time? It is certainly not associated with one particular sense. In fact, it seems…

  • Un Coup de Dés Jamais N’Abolira Le Hasard (Broodthaers)

    Un Coup de Dés Jamais N’Abolira Le Hasard (A Throw of the Dice will Never Abolish Chance) is an artist’s book by Marcel Broodthaers published November 1969 in Antwerp. The work is a close copy of the first edition of the French Symbolist poet Stéphane Mallarmé’s poem of the same name, published in 1914, but…

  • Square Depression by Bruce Nauman

    Square depression is a project, which was originaly designed in 1977, when Burce Nauman was invited among nine other artists by Kaspar König to do a sculpture for an open space. It was built 30 years later in the campus of the university’s department of natural sciences Munster. Square depression is an inverted pyramid, ‘walk…

  • Panels by Paul Devens

    From the press release:..At the invitation of NAiM/Bureau Europa, artist Paul Devens has realized an installation in the upper hall with a total floor area of 800 m2. ‘Panels’ attempts to provide the visitor with an intensified architectonic experience. The installation consists of acoustic panels that follow the contours of the roof vaulting, largely obstructing…

  • Granular synthesis

    Granular synthesis is a basic sound synthesis method that operates on the microsound time scale. It is often based on the same principles as sampling but often includes analog technology. The samples are not used directly however, they are split in small pieces of around 1 to 50 ms in length, or the synthesized sounds…

  • People you might know

  • John Frusciante – Control


  • Aposiopesis

    Aposiopesis (pronounced /ˌæpəsaɪ.əˈpiːsɪs/ from Classical Greek, ἀποσιώπησις, “becoming silent”) is a rhetorical device wherein a sentence is deliberately broken off and left unfinished, the ending to be supplied by the imagination, giving an impression of unwillingness or inability to continue. An example would be the threat “Get out, or else—!” This device often portrays its…

  • Film – Jim Jarmusch Wanders On in ‘The Limits of Control’ –

    … “What’s a story anyway?” its protagonist muses, “except one of those connect-the-dots drawings that in the end forms a picture of something?” … via Film – Jim Jarmusch Wanders On in ‘The Limits of Control’ –