Month: June 2011
In general, spectacle refers to an event that is memorable for the appearance it creates. Derived in Middle English from c. 1340 as “specially prepared or arranged display” it was borrowed from Old French spectacle, itself a reflection of the Latin spectaculum “a show” from spectare “to view, watch” frequentative form of specere “to look…
All persons fictitious… / disclaimer
The disclaimer originated with the 1932 MGM movie, Rasputin and the Empress, which insinuated that the character Princess Natasha had been raped by Rasputin. Princess Natasha’s character was supposedly intended to represent Princess Irina of Russia, and the real Princess Irina sued MGM for libel. After seeing the film twice, the jury agreed that the…
The Virtual Window – Anne Friedberg
As we spend more and more of our time staring at the screens of movis, televisions, computers, and handheld devices—”windows” full of moving images, texts, and icons—how the world is framed has become as important as what is in the frame. In The Virtual Window, Anne Friedberg examines the window as metaphor, as architectural component,…
Cheim & Read – Jenny Holzer
Cheim & Read – Jenny Holzer.
Joseph Plateau
Hij ontdekte en formuleerde het fenomeen van de gezichtstraagheid of lichtnawerking: het fysisch verschijnsel waarbij een beeld nog gedurende een zeer korte tijd op het netvlies van het oog blijft ‘hangen’. We kennen allemaal dit verschijnsel wanneer we in een lichtbron kijken en dan de ogen dichtknijpen: de lichtvlek blijft nog op het netvlies nawerken.…
Postminimalism is an art term coined by Robert Pincus-Witten in 1971[1] used in various artistic fields for work which is influenced by, or attempts to develop and go beyond, the aesthetic of minimalism. The expression is used specifically in relation to music and the visual arts, but can refer to any field using minimalism as…
The World is my Oyster – Job Koelewijn
The World is my Oyster / 1996 location: Galerie Fons Welters Job Koelewijn – Artist – Galerie Fons Welters.