Reinhard Mucha, Der Mucha – An Initial Suspicion Sep 3, 2022 — Jan 22, 2023, at K20 & K21 Dusseldorf

“Reinhard Mucha’s work, in terms of its redefinition of sculpture, photography and installation, is considered to be one of the most important positions in contemporary art. At its two locations K20 and K21, the Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen combines installations by Mucha (b. Düsseldorf 1950) in this exhibition that have not been seen for many years, featuring works from each one of his creative phases and thus creating a panorama that spans over forty years of the artist’s work.”


video tour:


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Nergens ergens anders – Features – Metropolis M

Ik sta bovenop een bergrif als ik een e-mail op mijn telefoon zie binnenkomen met de vraag of ik een stuk wil schrijven over de retraite. In Frankrijk heb je zelfs op duizend meter hoogte geen last van slecht bereik. Terwijl ik mijn klimtouw achterop mijn rug bind, beginnen associaties zich op te dringen: afzondering, verbroken verbindingen, concentratie. Stilte. Mijn klimpartner staat iets verderop als een romantisch plaatje in het felle tegenlicht van een ondergaande zon, dat door de wolkvorming om ons heen het uitzicht diffuus maakt. Ik maak drie foto’s.

Nergens ergens anders // Feature // 05.08.2022 // Bas Blaasse // Zelfs de pandemie heeft weinig veranderd aan de enorme dwang om productief te blijven. Het heeft de behoefte aan ontkoppeling doen toenemen, net als de vraag of er nog wel mogelijkheden bestaan om je terug te trekken. Bas Blaasse schrijft over de retraite in tijden van hardnekkige verbinding

Source: Nergens ergens anders – Features – Metropolis M

Flags – Boghossian Foundation

The exhibition ‘Flags’ explores the constant place of flags in art from the great historical painting to contemporary installations through a transnational journey of exchange and confrontation. With ‘Flags’, the Boghossian Foundation once again explores the question of territory, multiple identities and intercultural dialogue. From 29 September 2022 to 15 January 2023 at the Villa Empain.

Source: Flags – Boghossian Foundation

Experimental Jetset (@jetset_experimental) • Instagram photo

Experimental Jetset shared a post on Instagram: “Untitled states of whatever. As a sequel to yesterday’s post (see August 18, 2022), here’s a picture of a group of hand-stitched flags that we created a while ago, for no apparent reason at all. Flying the freak flag on a Friday. Have a great weekend, everybody!”. Follow their account to see 1511 posts.

Source: Experimental Jetset (@jetset_experimental) • Instagram photo

Auto Focus, 2002 by Ceal Floyer


Auto Focus, consisting of a carousel slide projector pointed at a wall, endlessly going through its automatic process of focusing its projection. However, there is no carousel to display slides and therefore there is nothing to project except the projector’s own light. The viewer’s automatic response is to focus on the illuminated projection glowing on the wall as this is where one usually looks when viewing a slide presentation. Auto Focus is more than just the light. It is a sculpture, or more specifically, a readymade that was purchased. It’s almost human in its perseverance at its futile task and it is a lot like most of us who follow instructions exactly as prescribed until an artist like Floyer comes along and challenges our perception by directing our gaze in unexpected directions.

Source: Ceal Floyer at MoCA Museum of Contemporary Art Miami –