Détournement – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A détournement is a variation on a previous media work, in which the newly created one has a meaning that is antagonist to the original. The original media work that is détourned must be somewhat familiar to the target audience, so that it can appreciate the opposition of the new message. The artist or commentator making the variation can reuse only some of the characteristic elements of the originating work. The term “détournement”, borrowed from the French, originated with the Situationist International 1957-1972;[1][2] a similar term more familiar to English speakers would be “turnabout” or “derailment”.

via Détournement – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Simon Critchley’s – On Humour (Thinking in Action) – BrothersJudd.com

Some years ago I began propounding the theory that all humor is conservative. This thesis was prompted not just by the obvious humorlessness of the Politically Correct Left, but by a series of essays by liberal pundits asking why the Right was having all the fun and by the observation that all of the best comic novels and movies tended to serve conservative ends. It wasn’t though until I started reading some of the philosophical writings on the topic of humor — of which there are surprisingly few — that I really started to take the idea seriously. What stands out in those writings , and seems to explain why there aren’t more, is just how uncomfortable the authors are with where their investigations lead them. Simon Critchley’s On Humour is a perfect example of how a rational consideration of humor tends to bring what are generally secular and Leftist thinkers into conflict with their own philosophies.

via Review of Simon Critchley’s On Humour (Thinking in Action) – BrothersJudd.com.

Franz West – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Franz West (German: Franz West) (born February 16, 1947 in Vienna) is an Austrian artist who currently resides in Vienna. West studied at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna with Bruno Gironcoli. He is married to the Georgian artist Tamuna Sirbiladze who too is based in Vienna.

His radical art, which started as a reaction to the Viennese Actionism movement has been exhibited in museums and galleries for more than three decades.[1] Over the last 20 years he had a regular presence in big expositions like Documenta and the Venice Biennale.[2]

via Franz West – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

NOVA – detail – Uitzendingen – De terugkeer van professor buikhuisen


Onderzoek naar de biologische aspecten van crimineel gedrag was voor progressief Nederland onaanvaardbaar. Hugo Brandt Corstius, die onder zijn pseudoniem Piet Grijs in Vrij Nederland een serie columns tegen Buikhuisen schreef, en socioloog Cees Schuijt startten een keiharde anti-Buikhuisen-campagne die eindigde in het vertrek van de professor. Vandaag is Wouter Buikhuisen terug in Leiden en geeft hij uitgerekend aan de universiteit die hem destijds liet vallen, een gastcollege. Op het symposium ‘Criminologie in de 21ste eeuw’ sprak hij voor het laatst in het openbaar.

via NOVA – detail – Uitzendingen – De terugkeer van professor buikhuisen.

Electrified 02 @ S.M.A.K.

– Hacking Public Space staat – naast het aftasten van de grenzen tussen de verschillende kunstenvelden en de manier waarop kunstenaars de publieke ruimte vandaag betreden – ook voor ‘onderzoek’ naar veranderende tendensen die de notie ‘publieke ruimte’ de afgelopen dertig jaar in zwang houden. In die zin presenteert het project zich als een complementair drieluik: zestien internationaal opererende kunstenaars met zeer uiteenlopende achtergronden tonen bestaand en nieuw werk in het museum. Meer dan de helft van hen onderneemt ook acties in de stad – zogenaamde ‘city hacks’. Deze worden gedocumenteerd en gaandeweg in de tentoonstelling geplaatst.

via S.M.A.K..